Today’s mining operations must keep crucial milling assets online and running optimally, but variations in ore particle size, feed rate and moisture content, can lead to plugging, high vibration and machine bearing wear, and ultimately unscheduled stoppages and labor-intensive restarts. Emerson can help you achieve higher mill availability with advanced asset management and monitoring solutions to detect issues early and achieve a more consistent grind while reducing energy consumption.
多くのマシンから収集されるデータのすべてをひとつの場所に集めてエラー源を速やかに特定することで、運用を能率化することができます。データベースを作成して機器を設定構成しておくことで、問題解決をより早く始めて原因を特定できるようになるため、AMS マシンワークスではプロセスを簡素化できます。AMS マシンワークスは、保全メンテナンス技術を包括的な解析ツールと統合させ、施設の機器の健全性を容易かつ正確に評価できるようにします。
新しい AMS マシンワークス v1.7 は現在使用可能です。新機能については、以下の機能を参照してください。
3.2 GHz、8コアプロセッサ、Intel Xeon-scalable (Gold) または 高速(推奨)
2.4 GHz、4コアプロセッサ、Intel Xeon-scalable (Gold) または高速(最小)
A 16-page ebook, Extract More from Your Operations, features the article, Improved Asset Management Increases Reliability. The article shares how data from asset monitoring systems can be analyzed to create insights for predictive maintenance, and certain assets can be upgraded to dramatically lower total cost of ownership.
詳細を読むIt is easier than ever to store massive amounts of data. The cost of wireless sensing technologies has dropped dramatically, making it much easier to instrument every asset in the plant and ensure that no performance aberration goes unnoticed. However, bringing in all this data carries with it the risk of information floods. If data …
詳細を読むA rapid decrease in the cost of sensing equipment has driven many reliability teams to implement even more automated condition monitoring across their facilities. A wide variety of new technologies are both easy to implement and full of robust features to increase visibility of asset health. There are many ways to plan and implement a …