Conductivity is used to monitor chemical concentration and control it by adjusting the ratio of water to acid or caustic. Chemical concentration control applications can be hard on conductivity sensors as high concentrations of acid or caustic can corrode the metal electrodes. In many concentration control applications, such as cleaning solutions, the acid or caustic solution is recycled back to the concentration control mixing tank for re-use. This can lead to the accumulation of solids in the solution that can coat or plug the electrodes on contacting conductivity sensors, resulting in an unreliable measurement. The Rosemount™ 228 Toroidal Conductivity Sensor is an excellent solution for most concentration control applications due to its superior corrosion and coating resistance compared to contacting conductivity sensors.
Rosemount 1058 デュアルチャンネルトランスミッタは、幅広い産業、自治体および商業用途で信頼性の高い液体分析測定を実現します。本機は、pH/ORP センサ、ISE、流量、電流、導電率センサ(接触およびトロイダル)、濁度センサ、電流測定センサ、電流測定センサ(溶存酸素、塩素、オゾン)からの入力を含むデジタルおよびアナログセンサに複数のパラメータの液体分析を提供する 4 線式機器です。