Roxar Rapid Adaptive Measurement™
Roxar™ 2600 多相流量計の組み込みソフトウェアは、ダイナミックな多相流で信頼できるリアルタイムの適応測定を提供します
迅速な適応測定は、Roxar2600多相流量計の組み込みソフトウェアです。このソフトウェアは 、10 Hzの計算速度で自動モジュール選択を利用し 、現場での自動化をサポートし 、特定の時点での最適化された測定を保証します 。この革新的なアプローチにより、オペレーターは、コスト効率の高い合理化された運用を可能にしながら、メーターのパフォーマンスの向上、堅牢性と信頼性の向上に自信を持つことができます。
As oil and gas operators worldwide adjust their production methodologies and target more challenging reservoirs, the flow profiles from the wells are becoming significantly more varied and dynamic, and the demands on the instrumentation increase. To address these demands in multiphase measurement, Emerson restructured how the Roxar 2600 Multiphase Flow Meter now processes sensor signals, self-verifies calculation modules and automatically selects the best-suited measurement modes at any given moment. This ensures that operators receive reliable oil, water and gas measurement, without the need for frequent reconfiguration, even in the most challenging field conditions.
The adaptive density measurement feature has been introduced within the Rapid Adaptive Measurement embedded software for the Roxar 2600 Multiphase Flow Meter, to ensure performance with the highest possible stability and reliability in flow regimes with high gas fractions, or when the flow is slugging and sees such conditions periodically.
At different pressures and temperatures, the interaction between the oil, water and gas phases of the multiphase flow constantly changes. An extensive PVT calculation engine is now embedded within the Roxar 2600 Multiphase Flow Meter flow computer software, which supports several equations of state models and property libraries, ensuring volumes are correct as pressures and temperatures change.
Layer detection and compensation features are built into the embedded software of the Roxar 2600 Multiphase Flow Meter to protect the integrity, reliability and robustness of the measurement results provided by the Roxar 2600 Multiphase Flow Meter.